Almost back to animating

Well, I have almost finished the computer transition of changing hardware. Why it took this long ? Well I can’t finish it as I had to order another part due to configuration of my hardware. When that arrives I will be back in business and I can finally put something on my blog to showcase and I hope to start my career (freelance) off as a animator starting 2008 (it is an exciting year for me, because of that)

Also my web page is under going a renovation, not realizing that people were not able to view my current one which is still online, at walkfar media I knew something had to be done. How else can I get work if no one can see my work in a nice personal presentation like a web page.

Well, that is it for today.
bye for now.


2 Responses to “Almost back to animating”

  1. Ralph Wiggem says:

    Wow, this blog is exciting! I give it 5 stars!

  2. Ralph Wiggem says:

    How old are you btw? My email is currently down, so post back here.